Monday, June 29, 2009

“What’s that LASSIE? Timmy has gone 3D?”

According to The The Hollywood Reporter, DQ Entertainment, an Indian animation group, will partner with Classic Media to reinvent LASSIE, the iconic live action show. This co-production plans to take LASSIE out of black and white and into 3D animation. This new animation series will be a multi-cultural partnership between India, the United Kingdom, France, Ireland, and Germany.

“What we are announcing now is a co-development agreement. But it is very well understood that we will go ahead and co-produce this as a multi-million Euro series, with us as the lead producer,” said Tapaas Chakravarti, DQ’s CEO. “The script will primarily be written in Europe with the intention of delivering the series at the end of 2010 or early 2011.”

This is not the first classic that DQ has revamped. CASPER’S SCARE SCHOOL was a new version of Casper and was a recent endeavor by DQ and Classic. Unless they plan to make the new LASSIE into a super-dog via BOLT, or a reluctant hero as MINDY AND BUTTONS, I rather feel that the idea behind LASSIE is missed if you use an animated dog.


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